zaterdag 7 september 2013

Trailer Kleurrijk Wit (Colourful White)

Finally, the trailer for my short animation film I graduaded with a few months back!

Portrait of Inge

A while ago I made a portrait of a girl who I know from the art academy.
She studied audio visual design and she made a documentary about her own life and the stress about the choices we make in life and what we should be doing with the rest of our lives after graduating.
I really liked her film because it was so honest and touching and it's a subject I think is closely related to everyone. I'm not sure if I make the right choices in life and if what I'm doing now is okay. Life seems so short and we have this image of what we are going to be, or who we want to be, but how do you get there and aren't we wasting time on the trivial stuff. And am I going to regret the things I'm not doing now because I'm scared of a few things? The film got me thinking a lot and it triggered me to make a portrait of her.

She really liked it, I hope you do too.