maandag 15 augustus 2011

Results of 3D semester

I didn't even realize I hadn't posted my videos of the 3D semester.
Very bad of me to just forget.. Maybe I was to glad that it was done and that I made it. It's already such a long time ago, and I don't know if I want to go into detail.
Let's just say I have the feeling I only just made it to the third year. I definitely want to be better next year and I want to work on it very badly.

Anyway. I'll just show you the videos that I made.
In the end my character just bounced a bit across my self-designed forest and there wasn't really a story behind it. I was really desperate to just finish something in the end. The way I planned things was way off, and I definitely need to work on that. Although I have to say I was quite happy at the time that I even finished something and I had to work so hard in the last week, to even make this happen. So in a way I was proud that I could show something and that it wasn't a total failure.
The second video was about getting across the atmosphere, in this case, a scary forest, in which you feel haunted.
In the end I really had to juggle with some things, but I do think I made the right choices. Definitely the right choices to at least make it to the third year. But enough with the details, because I said I wasn't going to tell about them.

This is what I made of it, and I really did my best, and if that's the case, I couldn't have done any better at the time.

(my character is in playblast, because there was no time left to render it.. I rendered a few stills, so I could show how it should have looked)

This is my scary forest :

I'll be uploading more shortly, because I'm walking behind schedule.

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