maandag 12 mei 2014


My website is up and running, hope you guys like it!

Also I'm not sure how up to date this place will be, because I'm kinda trying to keep up Tumblr nowadays.

I also have a Facebook account :)

Thanks for watching :)

maandag 27 januari 2014

Tumblr account and working on website

I'm really sorry I haven't posted anything on my blog in a while. It's partly due to my account on Tumblr.
I feel like it's a better environment to post my work, so if you'd like to see recent work of mine, check: or go straight to my art 'tag' :

Apart from this I also really would like to move this website to a more organized real portfolio website.
So I'm working on a new website, yippe!

I hope you bare with me for a while, while I'm re-organizing and you look out for my new website. In the mean time I will post my most recent works on Tumblr :)